Share love and double hope for those in need this Christmas

From now until December 31, 2024, a generous anonymous donor from the archdiocese will match your gift up to $500,000!

Click here to give and double your impact!

A Call to Compassion: The 2024 Food Security Grants

Your heart helps fill plates with hope

Learn more about the 2024 Food Security Grants

Your help brings hope to

You opened the door for Maria

How your compassion provided a refuge from abuse

Hear story
Seminarians studying for the priesthood at St. Augustine's Seminary

You made Michael’s sacrifice possible

How you helped a future priest stay true to his path towards priesthood

Hear story
Photo: Noemi, a recipient of aid from Canadian Food for Children in Honduras

Your compassion helps end hunger

How you came through for Noemi and her family in their time of need

Hear story
Who You Help

Give someone in your community a brighter future

Living the Gospel by providing for those in need

A staff member holds a baby at Rosalie Hall
A staff member holds a baby at Rosalie Hall

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