
ShareLife Trustees
His Grace Most Rev. Francis Leo
Archbishop of Toronto
Most. Rev. John Boissonneau
Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto,
Northern Pastoral Region
Mr. John Mulhall
Chancellor of Temporal Affairs,
Archdiocese of Toronto
Ex Officio
Mr. Michael Schuck
Secretary & Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Arthur Peters
Executive Director
Advisory Board
His Grace Most Rev. Francis Leo (Trustee)
Mr. Michael McBride, Chair
Most Rev. John A. Boissonneau (Trustee)
Mr. Matthew Au
Mr. Albert Brandstatter
Mr. Sunil Diaz
Ms. Francesca Guolo
Rev. Msgr. James Hannah C.H.H.
– Council of Priests Representative
Mr. Chris Krasinkiewicz
Mr. Harry Kam Lun Kwan
Mr. John Menezes
Mr. Tim Murray
Mr. John Mulhall (Trustee)
Ms. Silvana Palombo
Mr. Michael Schuck (Controller, Ex-Officio)
Mr. Simon Selkrig