You made Michael's sacrifice possible - ShareLife

2024 Parish Campaign Results


of $14,000,000


of goal



Living the Gospel

The future of our church is in the Lord’s faithful hands. Even so, we each have a role, and Michael Berlin-Riga has experienced the importance of yours.

Michael is a seminarian at St. Augustine’s Seminary. He has been in formation for six years and is currently in his first year of theology.

“In the context of prayer, studies, pastoral experiences, and community life, ” he writes, “I am called to make a sacrificial gift of my life to God and the Church.”

You paved the way

You make that sacrifice possible. ShareLife supporters like you enable St. Augustine’s Seminary, along with the Office of Vocations and Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary, to provide an excellent academic and spiritual formation for Michael and 57 other men studying for the priesthood.

“The Lord has blessed me abundantly ever since I considered the call to the priesthood and entered the seminary,” Michael affirms. “If it were not for family, friends, and ShareLife donors like you, I would not be able to experience what the seminary has to offer to men like me in formation for the priesthood.”

Photo: Seminarians studying for the priesthood at St. Augustine’s Seminary

Your love will be felt by generations to come

Live the Gospel today

St. Augustine's Seminary
St. Augustine's Seminary

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