A second chance in life - ShareLife
Learn about the Parish Campaign

2024 Parish Campaign Results


of $14,000,000


of goal

Living the Gospel
Men participating in a treatment program at St. Michael's Homes

John was in a very dark place in his life. Due to some poor choices he made, he was now alone and facing significant challenges.

He was without work, his family life was shattered, and he lost access to his beloved child. Feeling hopeless and defeated, John contemplated suicide.

Putting the pieces back together

Thanks to your support of ShareLife, he had a place to reach out for help through Catholic Family Services of Durham (CFSD).

John was able to receive therapy, a service CFSD provides through your generous donations. The caring counsellors helped him work through the consequences of his choices and helped him forgive himself. They set him on a path to recovery, which helped him become emotionally stable. He eventually regained access to his child, found work, and ultimately got his life back on track.

Photo: Men participating in a treatment program at St. Michael’s Homes

Your love helps families thrive

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A counsellor from CFS Toronto
A counsellor from CFS Toronto

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