From the darkness of the streets to the light of a future
How your life-changing support served as a guiding light David.

As many as 7,000 youth are homeless across Canada on any given night, calling the streets their home. Your life-changing support serves as a guiding light for at-risk youth in the face of darkness. We want you to know how your support is leading the way forward.
Covenant House, an agency you support through ShareLife, provides a refuge for at-risk youth. They offer safe housing alongside critical healthcare, education, and employment guidance. Thanks to your compassionate heart, young people like David are able to move from a life on the street to a life with a future.
David first found safety in the emergency shelter and later moved into a transitional housing program, where he formed a life-long bond with his mentor, George, whose kind heart and patient guidance helped David believe he was worthy of good things in life. Reflecting on the power of choice and resilience, David turned his gratitude into action.
Because of you, he found safety, guidance, and hope for tomorrow
Today, he visits Covenant House regularly, proudly sharing his achievements—a post-secondary diploma and a new beginning full of hope—all made possible through your love and generosity.
Your inspiring love can guide youth like David from the darkness of the streets to the light of a future filled with love and stability. Thank you for paving a path of new opportunities.