Children and Youth
Thanks to your support, ShareLife-funded agencies are ensuring a brighter future for at-risk children and youth throughout the GTA and beyond.
The cause
Last year
young people accessed transitional housing, employment guidance, and mentorship through Covenant House programs funded by ShareLife donors.
A total of
boys aged 7-12 attended Camp Ozanam last year; many would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience a summer camp.
As many as
youth are homeless across Canada on any given night. 80% cite family conflict, abuse or trauma as reasons they lack housing.
How your donation makes a difference:
“We are grateful to Catholic Charities and ShareLife for their continued support of our transitional housing, Youth In Transition and mentorship programs.”
— Covenant House
Stories of inspiration

You gave Oliver a second chance
How you helped a young man struggling with addiction

A safe haven
How you helped Maria escape an abusive past

In and out of group homes
How a young woman beat the odds

He found his voice
How Adam learned to advocate for himself
Agency spotlights
Camp Ozanam
Referred by social service agencies, school boards and parishes, boys from across the Greater Toronto Area and beyond receive a safe summer camp experience at Camp Ozanam. Activities include aquatics, crafts, skills sports and field sports.
Covenant House Toronto
Covenant House Toronto offers a place to stay and 24/7 crisis care to homeless youth, providing a wide range of services under one roof, including education, counselling, health care and employment assistance.
Office of Catholic Youth (OCY)
OCY provides support and training to youth, campus and young adult ministries in the Archdiocese of Toronto. The office also forms partnerships with youth-focused organizations and hosts larger-scale events, programs and retreats.
St. John Paul the Great Family Centre
Located at St. Augustine of Canterbury Parish, the St. John Paul the Great Family Centre provides regular after-school programs for youth and day programs for seniors.