St. John Paul the Great Family Centre
(416) 661-8221
80 Shoreham Drive, Toronto, ON M3N 1S9
Located at St. Augustine of Canterbury Parish, the St. John Paul the Great Family Centre provides regular after-school programs for youth and day programs for seniors.
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys FertilityCare Toronto
(416) 465-2868
201-9225 Leslie Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3H6
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys FertilityCare is an agency that provides instruction in the Creighton Model FertilityCareTM System, a standardized method of tracking biomarkers of a woman’s reproductive cycle. This information can be accurately used by couples to plan their families both for achieving and avoiding pregnancy, or by a single woman to help her understand her cycles.
St. Michael’s Homes
(416) 926-8267
262 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, ON M5A 2G2
St. Michael’s Homes provides services for men in recovery from addictions, including residential treatment, aftercare, and supportive housing through their Matt Talbot Housing Program.
Toronto Right To Life
(416) 483-7869
2238 Dundas Street West, P.O. Box 59016, Toronto, ON M6R 3B5
Toronto Right to Life is a human rights organization that educates schools, churches and community groups on abortion and assisted suicide. By providing scientific evidence and research, TRTL affirms the intrinsic dignity and value of every human life.
Vita Centre
(905) 502-7933
5659 McAdam Road, Unit C2, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1N9
Vita Centre is dedicated to providing excellent support, education and counselling to vulnerable families, including pregnant and parenting youth, with the goal of empowering them to move forward and thrive. Vita Centre services include counselling, parenting groups, and access to practical supports such as diapers, formula, and gently used baby clothes. The goal of our programs and services is to support parents to access resources and information to help them create the best possible outcomes for their families.
Youth In Transition (YIT)
(416) 598-4898
20 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, ON M5B 2P3
Administered by Covenant House, Youth In Transition is an innovative program that provides youth ages 16-24 coming from child welfare, youth justice and children’s mental health programs with one-on-one support to make a smooth and positive transition into adulthood.